About Joel Radley, DipNT, BSc (Hons), RCP & Functional Nutritionist

Hello, My Name Is Joel
I struggled with burn out in 2015, unexplained fatigue, digestive issues, work-life stress & years of chasing symptoms. I just did not feel myself, I wanted to feel & look my best. GP’s misdiagnosed me, tests all in range, fortunes wasted on practitioners, cleanses & supplements. My fatigue & pain reduced but never healed. Not until I read the works of Dr Weston Price, Morley Robbins, Ray Peat, Dr Natasha Mcbride & Dr Thomas Cowan, was I able to drop the diet & hustle culture, nutrition myths, implement functional nutrition & lab testing to balance minerals & get my life back.
Then I incorporated mind-body emotional healing after reading the works of Dr Bradley Nelson, Dr Hamer, Bessel van Der Kolk, Gary Craig, Martin Brothman, Richard Schwartz & Andreas Moritz. I learnt stress & emotional conflicts were creating or worsening physical symptoms. This led to the creation of the 4-body protocol. In under 6 months my 10 year struggle disappeared.
I went on to help thousands of clients worldwide after qualifying as a nutritional therapist at the college of Naturopathic Medicine in London, a root cause practitioner as well as mind-body therapy (emotional freedom technique), forming the basis of my therapeutic approach. Restore energy, metabolism & relationship to food, to live their best life with happy hormones. I enjoy travelling, farmers markets, cooking, martial arts & playing the flute. I work between my clinic in central London & online video calls. If you would like to find out more information please book a free call here.
qualification & Education
About 1:1 consultations
My approach is simple, calm & relaxed. My practice is based on cutting edge functional nutrition principles (implemented with ancestral nutrition, a food-first approach & wholefood supplements), functional lab testing, emotional & mental wellbeing via mind-body therapies. I want you to feel supported every step of the way. Whilst you may come to me with a said energy, hormonal or gut issues, in healing the physical wound, also comes the emotional empowerment to shine your light.
I specialise in helping people with various energy depletions. I also have successfully worked with those unaffected by fatigue, suffering from purely hormonal, gut, skin, or emotional traumas & addictions. To find out more about lasting relief from your fatigue or condition, general coaching or lab testing, follow the links below.
I look forward to hearing from you
Can We Work Together? Online Nutritionist Consultation
I tend to work with highly conscientious seekers of wellbeing from all corners of planet earth whom:
1- Understand that credentials alone like DR or MD wont guarantee results.
2-Not searching for a magic pill, fad diet, quick fix as they understand the complexity involved & have the tenacity to uphold the protocol.
3-Have a must statement, a reason to get well and are willing to take responsibility for your own wellbeing (with my guidance)
4-Effective communication to express issues or doubts, enabling myself to address them.
If you are willing to commit to these 4 accountability requirements, I can help heal an ailment or improve upon current health. I work with adults & seniors, teenagers, young professionals, children, holistic practitioners, city workers, recovering vegans & more
work(ed) with
Book A Complimentary Consultation Call With Me
Whether you have chronic fatigue, a Dr says your lab results are in range, feel like wasting your money on random supplements, therapists & diets or feeling stuck, during the call we will discuss:
Opportunity to share your current condition
How To End Trying To DIY Your Health, Becoming Your Own Practitioner
- How Your Body Needs, Rebalance & Fire Start Your Metabolism To Live Energised & Pain Free
No More Need to Depend on Perpetual Treatments
How Your Symptoms Are Guiding You To Healing
- End Guesswork With Functional Lab Testing & Ditch random supplements or therapies that do not fit your individual needs
Practical Tips You Can Implement Immediately
No Obligations To Book Sessions At The End Of The Call