How to use Anti-microbial herbs for Fungal Overgrowth, Mold and Parasites

Joel Radley

Anti-microbiral antimicrobial knowhow for mold colonisation colonization

Here’s the deal: antimicrobial herbs are no joke. They’re a go-to for dealing with SIBO, Candida, fungal infections, gut overgrowth, parasites, and mold. But when it comes to mold and parasites, we’re not just talking about popping a pill and calling it a day. These battles require strategy, preparation, and a deep respect for the microscopic forces at play. Rush in unprepared, and you’re asking for trouble.

joel radley antimicrobiral herbs anti microbial herbs for mold mould spore colonisation functional nutrition nutritional therapy

Mold: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Mold illness is a double punch to the gut. First, there’s colonization—those mold spores don’t just hit and run; they find a cozy spot in your body to settle in and set up shop. Second, there are mycotoxins—chemical weapons mold produces that keep you sick long after you’ve left the moldy attic or damp basement behind. You can inhale spores from the air, and once they’ve colonized your body, they’ll keep pumping out toxins until you evict them.

This is why someone who had mold exposure years ago can still feel awful, even in a pristine, mold-free environment. Mold colonization doesn’t just fade away. It’s like a bad houseguest that refuses to leave.

Testing For The Unseen

As long as mold is hanging around, your body will keep churning out mycotoxins, leading to symptoms that just won’t quit. If you suspect mold has colonized your body, testing can provide clues. A Mycotoxin Test can confirm this, but don’t expect clean results until you deal with the root issue: mold colonization. The Microbial Organic Acids Test (MOAT) from Mosaic, formerly Great Plains Laboratory is one of the best tools for spotting colonization. You can also look at standard Organic Acids or NutrEval tests, but they’re not foolproof—they only measure a few markers out of many, so false negatives are a possibility.

Killing Mold Is No Walk in the Park

Here’s the harsh truth: killing mold isn’t a clean operation. It doesn’t go down without a fight. When you start attacking it with antimicrobial herbs, mold retaliates by releasing even more toxins into your system—a last hurrah to make sure you feel worse before you feel better.

Killing mold is somewhat like trying to get honey out of a beehive without protective gear. You don’t march in swinging a mop. You wait for the bear to fall asleep, then tiptoe in and do your job without waking it up. You don’t poke the bear.

Without proper preparation, hitting mold too hard or too fast can backfire, leaving you with side effects like:

  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Cravings
  • Weight Gain
  • Bloating
  • Mood swings
  • Body pain
  • Lack of creativity
  • And a whole laundry list of other symptoms.

Discomfort is normal during a cleanse, but there’s a line. If it feels too hard, it is too hard.

Prep Work: The Foundation of Success

  • Avoid mold exposure—at home, in your food, wherever it might be lurking.
  • Support detox pathways—get your liver, gallbladder, lymphatic system, and digestion running smoothly. Sweat, pee, and poop like your health depends on it—because it does.
  • Reduce your toxic load—binders can help mop up toxins and lighten the burden on your system. But be careful just jumping in can constipate you and or lead to nutritional deficiencies.
  • Build resilience—you need to feel stronger and more stable before taking on the big guns. This is where I run my foundational mitochondrial energy boosting protocol initially to test the waters before we dive deeper.

If you can confidently check all these boxes, then—and only then—are you ready to consider antimicrobials.

Relapses Happen – The Reality Check you need to be aware of

The ugly truth about chronic illness? Relapses happen. You’ll have setbacks. You might think you’re in the clear and then realize you pushed too far too fast. Or maybe you had another mold exposure—on vacation, at work, wherever. The key is to roll with it, learn from it, and recalibrate. Sometimes, healing means realising you need more time, stricter boundaries, or a slower approach. Some mold cases are straightforward; others feel like a twisted tango where progress is always two steps forward, one step back. If you’re stuck in that dance, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Healing is messy, frustrating, and unpredictable—but with the right strategy, it’s possible. Take your time, respect the process, and remember: it’s not about how fast you go; it’s about staying the course.

How Long Does It Take?

Antimicrobial therapy is a journey, not a quick fix. You keep going until you’ve cleared your mycotoxin panel, your symptoms fade, and you can reintroduce foods, drinks, and activities without triggering a relapse. Test your boundaries slowly—one new thing at a time—so you can pinpoint any problems.

Need a Dance Partner in This Healing Journey?

If you’re stuck in that maddening dance of one step forward, one step back, and you’re ready for some external support, I’m here to help. Healing from mold illness and chronic issues is no easy feat, but you don’t have to do it alone.

You can find out more about working with me. Together, we can create a plan that respects your body’s pace and guides you toward lasting relief.


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Picture of About Joel Radley

About Joel Radley

Joel Radley dipNT, BSc (Hons), mBANT, mCNHC, functional nutritionist specialising in root-cause natural healthcare, ancestral eating & lifestyle. Developer of the four-pillar protocol to help clients holistically, covering nutrition, energetics, emotions and mindfulness. I help concerns of the thyroid, adrenal, fatigue, hormones, gut health, eating disorders & chronic pain.

For over a decade supporting individuals like you and me, high performers, creatives, public figures and entrepreneurs, unlock their dormant healing power and optimize their health potential. I hope you will enjoy the videos, articles & recipes I share on my website, blog & social media. If you have a deeper concern that requires the help of an expert practitioner, do not hesitate and join the waiting list by booking a free call on the calendar. Warmly, Joel

Picture of About Joel Radley

About Joel Radley

Joel Radley dipNT, BBC (Hons), mBANT, mCNHC, nutritional therapist and naturopath specialising in root-cause natural healthcare, ancestral eating & lifestyle.

Developer of the four-pillar protocol to help clients holistically, covering nutrition, energetics, emotions and mindfulness. I help concerns of the thyroid, adrenal, fatigue, hormones, gut health, eating disorders & chronic pain.

For over a decade supporting individuals like you and me, high performers, creatives, public figures and entrepreneurs, unlock their dormant healing power and optimize their health potential.

I hope you will enjoy the free videos, articles & recipes I share on my website, blog and social media. If you have a deeper concern that requires the help of an expert practitioner, do not hesitate and join the waiting list by booking a free call on the calendar. Warmly, Joel