Why understanding the emotional origins of physical and emotional distress does not equate to resolving them

Joel Radley

In this article let is discuss why getting to the root or origins of your health or emotional issue, whilst beneficial, does not solve the concern. We will cover the benefits & misunderstandings of deeper emotional work, but also share tips on what may be required to actually severe the emotional ties to a past event or recurring situation, to enable you to be present to the moment and not be riddled with exaggerated responses. 


Physical Or Emotional When Healing Health, Pain Or Past Trauma Issues?

When I work with a client I seriously take into account the emotional, mental and spiritual aspect of their concern, and it goes without saying the physical i.e. nutrition, functional lab testing and supplements or herbal medicine. The physical can not be taken out of the equation, our physical body has some part to play in our spiritual body, this is why people abstain from certain foods during certain rituals, or eat differently for certain seasons or cleanses. Whilst some may have mastered their mind and emotions, it’s going to be quite a feat to be sound in meditation when you have a debilitating physical ailment, and likewise it would be hard to imagine someone with a spiritual or existential crisis without a physical manifestation. Perhaps our bodies’ way of communicating is from another dimension, or another body as it is said we have several bodies, be it physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. One does not need such a leap of faith to appreciate this fact as it can also be said that we are speaking metaphorically or in personification about thought, emotions or the non-physical.

The Trump Card Analogy Of Holistic Healing

However what is clear to me in my clinical experience is that we are somewhat like a trump card, we have a score for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This is not totally true in that it is not who has the higher score is better or more balanced, but rather picture your own trump card as 4 frequencies, colors or lines, with the goal of merging the 4 to as close to balance as possible, as opposed to trying to simply score the highest to attain emotional regulation. 

Why Therapeutic Investigation Or Self-Enquiry Does Not Equate To Solving The Emotional Concern?

This should set the foundation of what we will briefly discuss in this post, namely why emotional therapy or work, and specifically the investigation of where ones emotional issues or problematic behaviours (effects of trauma) originated is explored either consciously, unconsciously or with the help of an intuitive therapist, does not mean you then stop feeling those emotions, or immediately halt those slightly problematic or unfulfilling behaviours (such as self-sabotaging behaviour, aggressive behaviour, or negative emotions – although no emotion is really negative as such, when we can view them more objectively). Whilst it can be of immense benefit to dive deeper into these origins to remind you of possible past traumas, to acknowledge you may have dissociated to protect yourself, or simply you have become aware of these issue that beforehand you did not consider too deeply can be the stepping stone needed for desensitising yourself to these past events. Some certainly do have a sort of spontaneous remission from their emotional experiences which is truly the gem of therapy in all its glory, in most cases, tools i.e. a meditative practice is still required to help one in those moments where the emotions feel quite powerful, or those behaviours are taking over our more rational decision making.

For example, let’s say you had an incident growing up or generally your homelife that led you to be more introverted, not speak up, or feel a lack of power in your voice, this may possibly add to a thyroid imbalance later in life that may also be aided with poor lifestyle choices and nutrition etc. Everytime there is an opportunity to speak up you may have flashbacks, and even if you try, you may find yourself battling yourself to speak up, leaving you feeling powerless, abandoned, sad or angry. This can start a further vicious cycle that is in a constant loop or being resolved then relapsing, exacerbating the physical symptoms be it thyroid and the emotional symptoms be it how that incident makes you feel. 

As mentioned it is super helpful to gain insight into these emotions, but further comprehension does not make those feelings disappear.

Talking about this may also be helpful, with a friend, counselor or support group, but again it does not make those feelings disappear, nor stop further incidents that remind you of this trauma not taking place.

You could also make better decisions, pick your life up, be positive as is with good intentions touted all over the internet, but confronted with a situation that triggers the same response, or remind you of that incident or scenario, and those emotions will be experienced again.

understanding emotional origens does not equate to resolving them joel radley functional nutrition 2understanding emotional origens does not equate to resolving them joel radley functional nutrition 2


Mediating Triggers

Resolving a past emotional trauma is not so much about eliminating the thought, or finding closure although it can be, but rather one can resolve the triggers in a sustainable and practical way through using healing practices where one can re-approach those past events with objectivity learnt from meditation as well as other modalities such as tapping to help reduce the intensity of the emotions. Therefore resolving these unfulfilling emotions that are stuck in your subconscious and lead to exaggerated responses to various situations, can be cleared, enabling you to respond to the present moment rather than being in-voluntarily taken away by these unresolved emotions from the past. This is not about preventing you from feeling a variety of emotions, including sadness, anger and frustration, it is rather severing the intense emotional tie you may have had to certain situations that compound them and make the current trigger worse.

 yourself by learning to sit with your emotions regard prevent you ever being exposed to sensory stimuli, or emotional stimuli, remembering or experiencing them again, but to be able to experience them in a more comfortable way as to not cause knee jerk reactions in the present moment also known as emotionally or incident that reminds you of the past after effectively doing this healing work  throughout the healing journey 

Book a free call now on my calender booker 

1 to 1 professional support? 

Whilst knowledge is power, sometimes we cant do it alone, either there is too much information, we need someone to coach us, we dont even know exactly what our issue is, or we are dissatisfied with the service of the consultants we have seen thus far. If this sounds like you, worry no more.

My Four-Pillar Protocol is designed to heal you on four planes, the physical is the bulk of our work together (Nutrition + Exercise + Grounding + Therapeutics), yet we will also touch on the emotional (Self-enquiry, Experiential-therapy, Connection to others + Objectivity to emotions), the Mental (Perspective + Meditation + Goals + Objectivity to thought), & the Spiritual ( Connection to higher self & all + Gratitude + Breath-work to reconnect.)

It is assumed a nutritionist will force someone on a diet, this could not be further from the truth. Rather we work to change how you perceive and eat food, learning about its many healing properties to lead to long term sustainable positive change in your health and well-being. 

I will assess your overall health including your medical history

Looking into lifestyle & emotional factors that most practitioners wont

Individualize the protocol to implement suitable changes for you

You will be sent a bespoke eating plan

You will be sent a bespoke therapeutics plan if needed

Lab testing will be recommended if necessary

Finally follow up or pay-as-you-go appointments enable you to get the hands on one to one coaching with me throughout the healing journey 

Book a free call now on my calender booker 

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Picture of About Joel Radley

About Joel Radley

Joel Radley dipNT, BSc (Hons), mBANT, mCNHC, functional nutritionist specialising in root-cause natural healthcare, ancestral eating & lifestyle. Developer of the four-pillar protocol to help clients holistically, covering nutrition, energetics, emotions and mindfulness. I help concerns of the thyroid, adrenal, fatigue, hormones, gut health, eating disorders & chronic pain.

For over a decade supporting individuals like you and me, high performers, creatives, public figures and entrepreneurs, unlock their dormant healing power and optimize their health potential. I hope you will enjoy the videos, articles & recipes I share on my website, blog & social media. If you have a deeper concern that requires the help of an expert practitioner, do not hesitate and join the waiting list by booking a free call on the calendar. Warmly, Joel

Picture of About Joel Radley

About Joel Radley

Joel Radley dipNT, BBC (Hons), mBANT, mCNHC, nutritional therapist and naturopath specialising in root-cause natural healthcare, ancestral eating & lifestyle.

Developer of the four-pillar protocol to help clients holistically, covering nutrition, energetics, emotions and mindfulness. I help concerns of the thyroid, adrenal, fatigue, hormones, gut health, eating disorders & chronic pain.

For over a decade supporting individuals like you and me, high performers, creatives, public figures and entrepreneurs, unlock their dormant healing power and optimize their health potential.

I hope you will enjoy the free videos, articles & recipes I share on my website, blog and social media. If you have a deeper concern that requires the help of an expert practitioner, do not hesitate and join the waiting list by booking a free call on the calendar. Warmly, Joel