The Physical Pillar Four-Pillar Protocol Part 1 (Body, Nutrition, Movement, Therapeutics)

Joel Radley

In the introduction of my Four-Pillar Protocol, we covered a general outline of why it is necessary to heal the body on four different planes, for long lasting, sustainable well-being. Now we are going to break down each Pillar or body in more detail. Whilst it is true that most clients come to me for specific functional nutrition advice on chronic conditions, including functional lab testing such as comprehensive blood or stool analysis; specifically for a nutrition and supplement protocol. Others come in pain, bloating, gas, heavy periods, infertility, fatigue, and just want that alleviated quickly. In these cases naturally the physical body is at the top of the pecking order, once the more prominent symptoms are at bay, and the body shifts to a more parasympathetic state, often a time what comes up in the search for the root cause is emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. For some clients its a subtle embracement of the mental, emotional and spiritual elements & for others it goes deeper as they open to it, this is an organic process of working with a holistic therapist. Whatever way it pans out, the focus naturally will be on the goals of the client and finding the root cause. Sometimes it works the other way as well such as the case of eating disorders where often emotional triggers must be addressed primarily. Yet the body, the physical, the home as we have described it, is the temple of our mental, emotional and spiritual pillars and must be treated with respect. Let us unpack what is the physical Pillar below.

Four Pillar Protocol The Physical Pillar

The Physical Pillar

The physical body pertains to the substance of matter of which our bodies are composed of. If we compare ourselves to a house, this corresponds to the brick and mortar. This is linked to the earth element in traditional Chinese medicine, we ground our bodies to earth via nature, sea, walking barefoot, the sun etc. Out of the four facets this is the most tangible. This is through which we navigate the world, and whereby our spirituality, emotions and thoughts flow in this lifetime. This is a good indication of the other facets are going as they will reflect on our bodies appearance and functionality. There is also a cross-over with how we move the body which can maintain our physical wellbeing and as motion creates emotion even link to our emotional health.

This is precisely why they say “move it or loose it”, its why you see elderly women in Chinese countryside villages or the Hunza people working on the land all day in prime physical form. An exercise or movement regime is required to maintain the body, this should strike a balance between working in and working out, for example intense training and more relaxing movement like yoga or tai chi etc.

Yet the physical is primarily linked with nutrition and therapeutics. Yes the physical body is also intricately linked to the energetic body which can be compared to the piping and circuitry of the home, whether through solar panels, gas or wood fire, the home needs energy to flow be it warmth in winter or air conditioning or ventilation in summer. This pertains to the water element and is the herbal preparations, supplements or remedies we utilise that are carried in fluids around the body the blood and lymph, to influence how our cells communication to balance hormones and fine tune the relationship of various organs, body systems, imbalances and detoxification in the body. Sometimes are bodies flow is stunted due to stress, imbalances or disconnection. The herbs and preparations or naturopathic therapies can help our energy flow better to aid our healing.

This physical body is affected not only by what food we consume (nutrition) in a positive and negative way and how we move (exercise), but how we think and feel too. If we listen closely to our body it will provide us with the answers of how we feel. If something is off, right or wrong.

When in balance we are pain free, energised, strong metabolism, free of toxicity, balanced PH in the right locations, flexible, balance, open and has all the vitamins and minerals needed.

When out of balance we are in pain, fatigued, poor metabolism, imbalanced, toxicity, imbalanced PH, closed off and deficient in nutrients or not able to process them well.

Physical Pillar care consists of:

  • Nutrient dense individualized nutrition
  • Individualized therapeutic program (herbal, supplemental, homeopathic)
  • Movement (resistance training, movement, stretching, dance)
  • Grounding in nature
  • Learn to listen to our bodies subtle whispers of communication

Questions to ask oneself to get a feel for how balanced their physical body is?

  • Are you drinking enough water?
  • Is it clean mineral rich water?
  • Are you sleeping well?
  • Is you circadian rhythm in balance?
  • Are you energised?
  • Are you periods smooth? (naturally they will always come with some form of tension)
  • Do you have a healthy appetite?
  • Are you in Pain?

1 to 1 professional support? 

Whilst knowledge is power, sometimes we cant do it alone, either there is too much information, we need someone to coach us, we dont even know exactly what our issue is, or we are dissatisfied with the service of the consultants we have seen thus far. If this sounds like you, worry no more and get in touch.

It is assumed a nutritionist will force someone on a diet, this could not be further from the truth. Rather we work to change how you perceive and eat food, learning about its many healing properties to lead to long term sustainable positive change in your health and well-being. 

I will assess your overall health including your medical history

Looking into lifestyle & emotional factors that most practitioners wont

Individualize the protocol to implement suitable changes for you

You will be sent a bespoke eating plan

You will be sent a bespoke therapeutics plan if needed

Lab testing will be recommended if necessary

Finally follow up or pay-as-you-go appointments enable you to get the hands on one to one coaching with me throughout the healing journey 

Book a free call now on my calender booker 

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Picture of About Joel Radley

About Joel Radley

Joel Radley dipNT, BSc (Hons), mBANT, mCNHC, functional nutritionist specialising in root-cause natural healthcare, ancestral eating & lifestyle. Developer of the four-pillar protocol to help clients holistically, covering nutrition, energetics, emotions and mindfulness. I help concerns of the thyroid, adrenal, fatigue, hormones, gut health, eating disorders & chronic pain.

For over a decade supporting individuals like you and me, high performers, creatives, public figures and entrepreneurs, unlock their dormant healing power and optimize their health potential. I hope you will enjoy the videos, articles & recipes I share on my website, blog & social media. If you have a deeper concern that requires the help of an expert practitioner, do not hesitate and join the waiting list by booking a free call on the calendar. Warmly, Joel

Picture of About Joel Radley

About Joel Radley

Joel Radley dipNT, BBC (Hons), mBANT, mCNHC, nutritional therapist and naturopath specialising in root-cause natural healthcare, ancestral eating & lifestyle.

Developer of the four-pillar protocol to help clients holistically, covering nutrition, energetics, emotions and mindfulness. I help concerns of the thyroid, adrenal, fatigue, hormones, gut health, eating disorders & chronic pain.

For over a decade supporting individuals like you and me, high performers, creatives, public figures and entrepreneurs, unlock their dormant healing power and optimize their health potential.

I hope you will enjoy the free videos, articles & recipes I share on my website, blog and social media. If you have a deeper concern that requires the help of an expert practitioner, do not hesitate and join the waiting list by booking a free call on the calendar. Warmly, Joel